Sunday, May 27, 2018

NMAT : Examination day tips!

The day of exam is of utmost importance. Here are some tips and tricks which you must remember on the day of NMAT for you to remain composed and perform your level best:

Let us discuss in sequence to the NMAT :

PART 1: Can your brain handle med school?

Remember, your IQ changes under time pressure.

Word analogy: Most of the words is encountered in your high school and college lessons. Just be familiar with the relationship of the words. This is really a good start. 

                            Reading comprehension
 Before reading the selection, scan through the questions so you have an idea on what you're looking for. The selections are surprisingly fun to read! Well I think that's the key, enjoy reading the selections and put yourself in them to answer questions. Here are some of the questions I encountered:
* What is the author saying about the line/phrase/paragraph...
* What do you think cannot be concluded...
*What is the meaning of the word....

Perceptual Acuity
I chose to answer Section 3. Identical Information first simply because the answers in that test is just in front of me!No need to think deeply! 

Use coins to cover up the wrong choices. (It is way easier than straining your brain remembering what you've already crossed out.)
Why are some of the choices nonidentical with the given?
1) spelling(going to mess with homonyms)
2) comma, period
3) mixed up numbers
4) lots of NJ instead of NY. :)

Mirror Images: Spot the difference to lessen your brain load. Then, lay both of your hands as if playing a piano: your pinky fingers in both hands  should point to the same object in the given and in the choice you're looking at (This is from my professor in college).

Hidden figure: Eliminate the lines. This is one of the hard parts(esp when you do not have a 20-20 vision like me) don't consume much time on this.

Computations are usually fractions, exponents and radicals. 
Memorize what is the decimal equivalents of fractions: 1/2=0.5 1/3=0.33 1/4=0.25 to 1/15 :)
*Review Algebra 2's word problems, the past exam included very simple geometry problems familiarize yourself with areas and perimeters of the basic shapes. Review on work problems.
*Data interpretation: Understand the data given first, then read the questions.
Learn how to compute percentages and comparison of those.
Inductive Reasoning
I am used to figure patterns so I answered this section first. Don't overwhelm yourself from the choices. Just observe a single fiFigure, observe what happens in the given pattern and eliminate the choices using your lucky coins.:)

Letter patterns, write A-Z and watch how the lines go. (Easy as that, I wish it was all figure and letter patterms -_-)

Number patterns (not really my forte). I suggest that you familiarize with patterns in this area. (which I failed to do.HAHA) Someone told me that the at times the first and second numbers have no relation at all, it is the first and the third; the second and the fourth.. (woo numbers, I wish I made sense here.)

Part 2: Remember what you have learned.

Do you have enough knowledge to keep up with your future lessons?

Most of the biology questions that appeared in our exam are from histology and cell biology applications (more of physiology) classes. The application of the concepts  (enzymes, neurotransmitters, hormones) are commonly the contents of the questions. Few questions on genetics mainly on pedigree analysis. In botany be sure to cover the lessons on plant hormones and their functions.

Social science ( Sociology and Psychology )
 CEM's review material is "most" helpful in this area. Familiarize yourselves with the coverage of the questions and focus on those.Understand the concepts and keep in mind keywords instead of memorizing whole definitions.
Surprisingly in our exam it was filled with verbose (analyzation) questions and choices.Some computations are also included (on  the mole concept). Even if the exam is theoretical it helped me to study the computations in order to analyze the questions. Take note: the reactants and reagents in organic chemistry was also included! I also found some biology questions in this part, mainly applications of the concepts.

I was so anxious about the idea of physics that I focused on reviewing this, luckily my efforts paid off (yay!). In my opinion the questions are 50% analyzation and 50% computation. Don't waste your time re-studying projectile motion computation just understand the concept. Most of the computations I remember dealt with the Ohm's law, my easy way of remembering it is V=IR (although books will say this is wrong because of proportional blabla...sorry books, I need shortcuts for NMAT:P) and P=IV (Power=IV). Just play with the given numbers and check the reality of the choices.

During lunch break, if you have company with you ask them to stay inside a food chain and order lunch for the both of you already. Food chains really get crowded! You can also stay inside your car if have on. Staying in hot places drains me out so I didn't stay in nipa huts(in the university itself) during lunch. 

Helpful reviewers for you:
PICS reviewer
MSA reviewers
Santrock Psychology
Histology and cell biology reviewer
UPCAT reviewer for english, word problems and data interpretation

Do you think you are now ready?

Well, if your reading this, Congratulations! you are making ways on how to get your dream NMAT score. Goodluck and Godbless on your NMAT exams! May the odds be ever in your favor. :)

Clik here to briefly go through the NMAT examination day tips.


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